

Kenneth Campbell

摄影师Michael Rubin对存在的6种类型的摄影师做了一个奇怪的定义。 他为Neomodern网站写了以下文字,我们转贴如下:

"与一群摄影师坐在一起时,我想到,虽然我们都自称是 "摄影师",但我们关心的很多东西,我们的摄影方式,我们喜欢拍照的核心,都是不同的。

See_also: 在Instagram上创建卷轴的5个最佳应用程序

虽然我们可以在欣赏对方的图像中找到共同点,但这让我对作为一个摄影师的基本要素感到疑惑。 我们之间的区别经常被描述为主题(新闻、静物、裸体、自拍、自然等)、风格(黑白、抽象、全景)或技术(大格式、徕卡、塑料)、相机、35毫米胶片);但我开始认为这与活动本身有关系:





乐趣在于发现瞬间,实时捕捉事物,动态地构图,做一个真诚的世界观察者。 有时他们很有趣,好奇或视觉上吸引人。 没有 "看这里 "或 "微笑"。 几乎没有后期制作。 通常是一个街头摄影师。 一种纯粹主义者。 大量的单色作品。

实例 : 亨利-卡蒂埃-布列松,安德烈-凯尔泰斯,埃利奥特-厄威特,马格南摄影记者。

照片:Elliott Erwitt


通常是工作室摄影,但也有外景摄影。 摄影师控制主题,控制光线。 摄影师是一个导演,有时是一个团队的导演。 一个工匠,努力使画面完美。 摄影师愿意纠正图像中最小的问题。 这通常是付费专业人士、产品、时尚和广告摄影师的领域,也是艺术家的领域。塑料和奢侈的创造者。

实例 : 安妮-莱博维茨、欧文-潘、卡尔什、奈杰尔-巴克。

照片: Ana Brandt


这种摄影师是一种狩猎者/采集者,但工作需要投入明显更多的时间,这种区别很重要。 如何高质量地拍摄野生动物、运动或某一事件? 这需要耐心,偶尔会有回报。 他们知道如何在镜头前等待难得一见的事情发生。 这需要计划...就像抢劫一样。这是一位野生动物摄影师,但也可能是一位体育摄影师或摄影记者。

实例 : 弗朗斯-兰亭,尼尔-莱弗。

照片:Frans Lanting


拍摄的图像是一个起点,是创作的原材料。 通过创造性的后期制作,更多的元素被添加、调整、切割和修改。 图像是一种摄影艺术形式,而不是任何一种快照。 后期制作的数量会有所不同,但图像不应该是新闻性的,而是 "创作"。 像素被操纵。展览。

实例 作者:Jerry Uelsmann, Maggie Taylor, Russell Brown

照片:Jerry Uelsmann

5. 探索者

一种猎手,追寻不动的主题。 一种运动员,但追寻光,非动态的主题。 风景,建筑,不同程度的静物。 摄影师有时间去想办法,找到合适的角度,设置曝光。 主题不能或不会被控制。

实例 : 尤金-阿特金,贝伦妮丝-阿伯特,安塞尔-亚当斯。

See_also: 如何在照片上应用消失点? 照片:安塞尔-亚当斯


一个快照拍摄者,通过窗户,在行走时拍摄世界上杂乱无章的图像,通常没有构图,或至少是正式的构图。 通常有荷兰式的角度,模糊的主题和刺眼的灯光。

实例 : Garry Winogrand

照片:Alessandro Galantucci

重点是:一群摄影师可能有很好的鳄鱼照片,但一个猎人/采集者在湖边徒步旅行时拍了一些照片;一个运动员知道湖里有鳄鱼,为了在太阳下山时被其他动物包围的完美时刻抓到那条鳄鱼,他扎了整整一个星期的营。 一个插画家在徒步旅行时拍了一张像样的鳄鱼照片、导演聘请了一位鳄鱼驯养员来使动物张开嘴,并有三位助理拿着聚光灯来确保它看起来很神奇。


我想了一会儿,如果大多数摄影师通常是这些属性的混合体,但在大多数情况下,一个人对摄影感兴趣,并因符合其个性的某些方面而热爱这项活动。 猎人是偶然的,导演则不是;运动家有巨大的耐心,无政府主义者则没有;诸如此类。


Kenneth Campbell

Kenneth Campbell is a professional photographer and aspiring writer who has a lifelong passion for capturing the beauty of the world through his lens. Born and raised in a small town known for its picturesque landscapes, Kenneth developed a deep appreciation for nature photography from an early age. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has gained a remarkable skill set and a keen eye for detail.Kenneth's love for photography led him to travel extensively, seeking out new and unique environments to photograph. From sprawling cityscapes to remote mountains, he has taken his camera to every corner of the globe, always striving to capture the essence and emotion of each location. His work has been featured in several prestigious magazines, art exhibitions, and online platforms, gaining him recognition and accolades within the photography community.In addition to his photography, Kenneth has a strong desire to share his knowledge and expertise with others who are passionate about the art form. His blog, Tips for Photography, serves as a platform to offer valuable advice, tricks, and techniques to help aspiring photographers improve their skills and develop their own unique style. Whether it's composition, lighting, or post-processing, Kenneth is dedicated to providing practical tips and insights that can take anyone's photography to the next level.Through hisengaging and informative blog posts, Kenneth aims to inspire and empower his readers to pursue their own photographic journey. With a friendly and approachable writing style, he encourages dialogue and interaction, creating a supportive community where photographers of all levels can learn and grow together.When he's not on the road or writing, Kenneth can be found leading photography workshops and giving talks at local events and conferences. He believes that teaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, allowing him to connect with others who share his passion and provide them with the guidance they need to unleash their creativity.Kenneth's ultimate goal is to continue exploring the world, camera in hand, while inspiring others to see the beauty in their surroundings and capture it through their own lens. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced photographer looking for new ideas, Kenneth's blog, Tips for Photography, is your go-to resource for all things photography.