

Kenneth Campbell

A 食品摄影 如果你喜欢拍摄这些美食,或者只是一个美食家,这里有一份值得关注的摄影师名单。 淘宝网 .

Débora Gabrich (@deboragabrich) 是一位来自贝洛奥里藏特的年轻摄影师,擅长美食和个人随笔。 饲料 她的客户包括Dona Lucinha, Fiorella Gelato, La Traviata, La Vinicola, Wals Gastropub等餐厅。

Débora Gabrich (@deboragabrich) 于2017年6月28日上午3:04 PDT分享的帖子

See_also: 摄影师用有趣的图片记录了她的男友和狗的相似之处

弗朗西斯科-托内利 (@francescotonelli)是一位非常有创意的美食摄影师,也是一位专业的厨师和 食品造型师 他对摄影和食物的热情是他在美国联合市工作的主要原因,他的工作室就设在那里。 汉堡王、立顿、百事可乐、文华东方、纽约时报等等,都是他的商业和编辑客户。

Francesco Tonelli (@francescotonelli) 于2017年3月22日上午7点37分分享的帖子。

大卫-格里芬 (@davidgriffen) 专门拍摄产品和餐馆的厨房。 David为烹饪书、食品杂志、媒体、应用程序、包装、社交媒体和广告活动进行拍摄,同时也为餐馆和食品生产商制作视频。

David Griffen (@davidgriffen) 于2017年7月8日上午4:55分享的帖子 PDT

Neal Santos (@nealsantos)以其对餐馆、植物和城市农场的强烈而生动的影像而闻名。 他开始从事食品摄影,是对在高度城市化的地区种植蔬菜的兴趣,并为费城城市报拍摄食品评论。

Neal Santos (@nealsantos) 于2017年1月5日上午10:13 PST分享的帖子

Andrew Scrivani (@andrewscrivani)是一位食品和静物摄影师,他的作品曾在《纽约时报》等出版物上刊登。 Scrivani的微距摄影为人们提供了对日常物品的另一种观察。

A post shared by Andrew Scrivani (@andrewscrivani) on Jun 3, 2016 at 8:44am PDT

See_also: 感性摄影初学者的5个技巧

布列塔尼-赖特 (@wrightkitchen)是华盛顿州西雅图的一名自由摄影师,她善于将各种颜色融入她的照片。

Brittany Wright (@wrightkitchen) 于2016年12月23日上午4:06分享的帖子。

Joann Pai (@sliceofpai)是一位美食和旅行摄影师。 Pai在旅行中拍摄各种角度的地方,但经常将食物与对比强烈的背景结合起来,以创造有趣的效果。

Joann Pai (@sliceofpai) 于2017年8月17日上午11:43分享的帖子。

丹尼尔-克里格 (@danielkrieger)是纽约最受欢迎的食品摄影师之一。 在他的作品中,我们看到了餐厅中最多不同人物的自发肖像,从厨师到烤肉师到女服务员。 丹尼尔开始为当地小型出版物拍摄,磨练自己的手艺,直到最后发展到更大的服务。


Jessica Merchant (@howsweeteats)是《严肃的美味》(Seriously Delish)一书的作者,她的特写镜头是各种各样的食物,从健康餐到点心、饮料和水果。

Jessica Merchant (@howsweeteats) 于2017年8月3日下午12:31分享的帖子。

丹尼斯-普雷斯科特 (@dennistheprescott)是一位加拿大摄影师,以拍摄汉堡、烤肉、寿司和其他食物的精美光线、色彩饱和的图片而闻名。 几年前,丹尼斯开始用他的iPhone拍摄食物,以此来记住他作为一个自学成才的厨师所学的食谱。

A post shared by Dennis The Prescott (@dennistheprescott) on Aug 15, 2017 at 2:00am PDT

Kenneth Campbell

Kenneth Campbell is a professional photographer and aspiring writer who has a lifelong passion for capturing the beauty of the world through his lens. Born and raised in a small town known for its picturesque landscapes, Kenneth developed a deep appreciation for nature photography from an early age. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has gained a remarkable skill set and a keen eye for detail.Kenneth's love for photography led him to travel extensively, seeking out new and unique environments to photograph. From sprawling cityscapes to remote mountains, he has taken his camera to every corner of the globe, always striving to capture the essence and emotion of each location. His work has been featured in several prestigious magazines, art exhibitions, and online platforms, gaining him recognition and accolades within the photography community.In addition to his photography, Kenneth has a strong desire to share his knowledge and expertise with others who are passionate about the art form. His blog, Tips for Photography, serves as a platform to offer valuable advice, tricks, and techniques to help aspiring photographers improve their skills and develop their own unique style. Whether it's composition, lighting, or post-processing, Kenneth is dedicated to providing practical tips and insights that can take anyone's photography to the next level.Through hisengaging and informative blog posts, Kenneth aims to inspire and empower his readers to pursue their own photographic journey. With a friendly and approachable writing style, he encourages dialogue and interaction, creating a supportive community where photographers of all levels can learn and grow together.When he's not on the road or writing, Kenneth can be found leading photography workshops and giving talks at local events and conferences. He believes that teaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, allowing him to connect with others who share his passion and provide them with the guidance they need to unleash their creativity.Kenneth's ultimate goal is to continue exploring the world, camera in hand, while inspiring others to see the beauty in their surroundings and capture it through their own lens. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced photographer looking for new ideas, Kenneth's blog, Tips for Photography, is your go-to resource for all things photography.