

Kenneth Campbell

一对订婚的夫妇惨遭婚礼摄影师的欺骗,他们用图片库中的照片来获得聘用,然后只向客户交付了模糊不清的照片。 据这对夫妇Alexa Logan和Colin Tapp称,他们向摄影师Mike Huffman支付了约7500英镑来拍摄他们的婚礼。 但照片的结果却很悲惨。

在看到网站上的摄影师作品集后,这对夫妇在婚礼前几个月通过视频会议认识并聘用了迈克-赫夫曼。 但在签订合同后,摄影师就消失了,这对夫妇无法与他交谈。 然而,在婚礼前一个月,迈克-赫夫曼出现并与这对夫妇联系,说他出了车祸,不在了。她设法与他们沟通,但她仍然要拍摄婚礼。


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在婚礼当天,摄影师真的出现了,并带来了他的妻子作为他的助手。 然而,新郎是一个业余摄影师,他看到迈克只有长焦镜头来拍摄婚礼,觉得很奇怪,尽管活动是在一个相对较小的空间举行的。 尽管如此,在婚礼结束后,这对夫妇支付了7500英镑的摄影师服务费,只留下了等待 "专业人员 "在选择和编辑过程后发送的照片。

然而,几个月过去了,摄影师并没有送来照片。 这对夫妇坚持了无数次,迈克又一次消失了,没有回答任何联系的尝试。 摄影师再次突然出现,并告诉这对夫妇,他正在接受癌症治疗,因此不能在婚礼后立即送来照片。

当这对夫妇终于收到照片时,他们对结果感到震惊。 几乎所有的照片都是模糊的,黑暗的或模糊的。 最初,他们想象摄影师给他们发送了错误的文件,但当他们再次试图联系这位 "专业人士 "时,他又从地图上消失了。 请看下面一些由摄影师拍摄的照片:

在收到这些可怕的图片几周后,这对夫妇发现摄影师网站上的照片不是他的,而是来自著名的图片库Adobe Stock。 此外,他们还了解到另一位新娘的情况,她也遭受了摄影师的同样打击。

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Kenneth Campbell

Kenneth Campbell is a professional photographer and aspiring writer who has a lifelong passion for capturing the beauty of the world through his lens. Born and raised in a small town known for its picturesque landscapes, Kenneth developed a deep appreciation for nature photography from an early age. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has gained a remarkable skill set and a keen eye for detail.Kenneth's love for photography led him to travel extensively, seeking out new and unique environments to photograph. From sprawling cityscapes to remote mountains, he has taken his camera to every corner of the globe, always striving to capture the essence and emotion of each location. His work has been featured in several prestigious magazines, art exhibitions, and online platforms, gaining him recognition and accolades within the photography community.In addition to his photography, Kenneth has a strong desire to share his knowledge and expertise with others who are passionate about the art form. His blog, Tips for Photography, serves as a platform to offer valuable advice, tricks, and techniques to help aspiring photographers improve their skills and develop their own unique style. Whether it's composition, lighting, or post-processing, Kenneth is dedicated to providing practical tips and insights that can take anyone's photography to the next level.Through hisengaging and informative blog posts, Kenneth aims to inspire and empower his readers to pursue their own photographic journey. With a friendly and approachable writing style, he encourages dialogue and interaction, creating a supportive community where photographers of all levels can learn and grow together.When he's not on the road or writing, Kenneth can be found leading photography workshops and giving talks at local events and conferences. He believes that teaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, allowing him to connect with others who share his passion and provide them with the guidance they need to unleash their creativity.Kenneth's ultimate goal is to continue exploring the world, camera in hand, while inspiring others to see the beauty in their surroundings and capture it through their own lens. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced photographer looking for new ideas, Kenneth's blog, Tips for Photography, is your go-to resource for all things photography.