

Kenneth Campbell

摄影师法比亚诺-伊格纳西奥(Fabiano Ignácio)来自圣保罗海岸的桑托斯(Santos),他是一个热衷于...的人。 模拟摄影 最近,他从一个朋友那里赢来了一个古董相机。 柯达Instamatic 177 XF 一台1970年代末的胶片相机126。 设备内有一张从未冲洗过的胶片。


法比亚诺决定铤而走险,在他家里的小实验室里尝试冲洗现在已经停产的126号胶片。 在24个姿势中,只出现了4张图片。 其中一张是两个女孩在拥抱。 另外三张是一只狮子狗。

为了了解照片的故事,法比亚诺的妻子西蒙娜-安若斯决定通过社交网络分享图片。 反应比他们想象的要快。 帖子在互联网上疯传,第二天他们就发现了这些女孩的身份。 现年41岁的旅游代理艾丽卡-伊克多认出了自己,并标记了她的表妹,商业顾问索拉娅-加尔旺-加利、32岁。

"我们不知道那是不是我们,但我们看了看,确认了。 我非常高兴。 我们回到了过去,"她回忆道。

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这张照片是由女孩们的祖父拍摄的,他大约在五年前去世,家里捐赠了一些物品。 其中,相机是摄影师的朋友在桑托斯旁边的城市圣维森特的一个展览会上获得的。 两人估计,这张照片是在21年前拍摄的,是在桑托斯Ponta da Praia海滩的Clube Internacional de Regatas的花样滑冰表演之后。

See_also: 头骨照片揭开了宣布巴西独立的唐-佩德罗一世的真实面目

其他三张照片中记录的狗是小富兰克林,它与索拉娅一起生活了18年。 据这位年轻女子说,她从法比亚诺那里赢得了第一张照片的副本,她还特意在同一条走廊上记录了这张照片,这次是和家人一起拍的--艾丽卡不能参加会议。

"模拟摄影突出了记录的重要性,讲述了我们的一点历史。 它让人回想起记忆,而这一点我们最终在这里偶然地抢救了出来"。

Kenneth Campbell

Kenneth Campbell is a professional photographer and aspiring writer who has a lifelong passion for capturing the beauty of the world through his lens. Born and raised in a small town known for its picturesque landscapes, Kenneth developed a deep appreciation for nature photography from an early age. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has gained a remarkable skill set and a keen eye for detail.Kenneth's love for photography led him to travel extensively, seeking out new and unique environments to photograph. From sprawling cityscapes to remote mountains, he has taken his camera to every corner of the globe, always striving to capture the essence and emotion of each location. His work has been featured in several prestigious magazines, art exhibitions, and online platforms, gaining him recognition and accolades within the photography community.In addition to his photography, Kenneth has a strong desire to share his knowledge and expertise with others who are passionate about the art form. His blog, Tips for Photography, serves as a platform to offer valuable advice, tricks, and techniques to help aspiring photographers improve their skills and develop their own unique style. Whether it's composition, lighting, or post-processing, Kenneth is dedicated to providing practical tips and insights that can take anyone's photography to the next level.Through hisengaging and informative blog posts, Kenneth aims to inspire and empower his readers to pursue their own photographic journey. With a friendly and approachable writing style, he encourages dialogue and interaction, creating a supportive community where photographers of all levels can learn and grow together.When he's not on the road or writing, Kenneth can be found leading photography workshops and giving talks at local events and conferences. He believes that teaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, allowing him to connect with others who share his passion and provide them with the guidance they need to unleash their creativity.Kenneth's ultimate goal is to continue exploring the world, camera in hand, while inspiring others to see the beauty in their surroundings and capture it through their own lens. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced photographer looking for new ideas, Kenneth's blog, Tips for Photography, is your go-to resource for all things photography.