"爱因斯坦展示他的舌头 "照片背后的故事

 "爱因斯坦展示他的舌头 "照片背后的故事

Kenneth Campbell

阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦(1879-1955)被认为是人类最伟大的天才之一。 这位德国物理学家和数学家创立了相对论。 他建立了质量和能量之间的关系,并提出了世界上最著名的方程式:E = mc²。 他还因发现光电效应规律而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。 然而,这位科学家最著名的形象并没有显示爱因斯坦爱因斯坦展示他的舌头的照片使每个科学家都是 "疯子 "的概念得到了神圣化和强化。 但是,爱因斯坦的这张照片是谁、何时、何地拍摄的? 现在就来了解历史上最著名的图片之一的照片背后的故事。


这张照片拍摄于1951年3月14日,也就是他去世前的四年。 爱因斯坦在离开美国新泽西州普林斯顿俱乐部庆祝他72岁生日的聚会时,陪同他的是爱因斯坦工作过的美国高等研究所的所长弗兰克-艾德洛特和所长的妻子玛丽-珍妮特。

那天晚上,爱因斯坦已经在俱乐部外面对了好几次拍照,然而当他上车离开时,联合国际新闻社(UPI)的摄影师阿瑟-萨斯(Arthur Sasse)想为这位著名的科学家拍下最后一张照片。 爱因斯坦坐在车的后座上,位于他的导演和妻子之间。 萨斯问道这样,爱因斯坦就会微笑着在照片上看起来不错。

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爱因斯坦通常讨厌媒体在他周围的喧嚣,他被激怒了,厌倦了所有庄严的演讲,他只想离开。 这位科学家的反应是瞬间的,与摄影师的要求相反。 爱因斯坦试图嘲笑摄影师的要求,他皱起眉头,睁大眼睛,露出舌头。 萨斯的反应很快,没有错过这位物理学家的异常反应爱因斯坦和萨斯都无法想象,但这位科学家最著名的照片和人类历史上最著名的图像之一就在那里诞生。

照片: 阿瑟-萨斯


联合国际新闻社(UPI)的编辑在看到这张照片后,甚至考虑不发表这张照片,因为他们想象到这可能会冒犯这位科学家,但是,最后他们还是发表了这张不同寻常的肖像。 爱因斯坦不仅不介意,而且还非常喜欢这张照片,以至于他要求复制几张,在上面签名,并在特殊日期,如生日和纪念日,把它们作为礼物送给朋友。但在复制副本之前,爱因斯坦要求对图像进行新的裁剪/取景,将他旁边的人排除在外。 因此,在大多数人知道的图像中,爱因斯坦显得很孤独,但原始图像有更大的背景。

多年来,这张照片变得如此著名和具有标志性,以至于2017年在美国洛杉矶以12.5万美元(约65万雷亚尔)的价格拍卖了一张副本。 但是,一个重要的细节!这张被拍卖的照片,与大多数人不同在爱因斯坦送给朋友的那些照片中,是有原始的框架和剪裁的,这显示了照片中的背景和每个人。


阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦(中)参观国家博物馆 在里约热内卢

1925年5月4日,阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦抵达当时的巴西首都里约热内卢,阐述他的物理理论,并就种族主义和世界和平等问题进行辩论。 这位物理学家受到阿图尔-伯纳德斯总统的接待,并参观了植物园、国家天文台、国家博物馆和奥斯瓦尔多-克鲁斯研究所。

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Kenneth Campbell

Kenneth Campbell is a professional photographer and aspiring writer who has a lifelong passion for capturing the beauty of the world through his lens. Born and raised in a small town known for its picturesque landscapes, Kenneth developed a deep appreciation for nature photography from an early age. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he has gained a remarkable skill set and a keen eye for detail.Kenneth's love for photography led him to travel extensively, seeking out new and unique environments to photograph. From sprawling cityscapes to remote mountains, he has taken his camera to every corner of the globe, always striving to capture the essence and emotion of each location. His work has been featured in several prestigious magazines, art exhibitions, and online platforms, gaining him recognition and accolades within the photography community.In addition to his photography, Kenneth has a strong desire to share his knowledge and expertise with others who are passionate about the art form. His blog, Tips for Photography, serves as a platform to offer valuable advice, tricks, and techniques to help aspiring photographers improve their skills and develop their own unique style. Whether it's composition, lighting, or post-processing, Kenneth is dedicated to providing practical tips and insights that can take anyone's photography to the next level.Through hisengaging and informative blog posts, Kenneth aims to inspire and empower his readers to pursue their own photographic journey. With a friendly and approachable writing style, he encourages dialogue and interaction, creating a supportive community where photographers of all levels can learn and grow together.When he's not on the road or writing, Kenneth can be found leading photography workshops and giving talks at local events and conferences. He believes that teaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, allowing him to connect with others who share his passion and provide them with the guidance they need to unleash their creativity.Kenneth's ultimate goal is to continue exploring the world, camera in hand, while inspiring others to see the beauty in their surroundings and capture it through their own lens. Whether you're a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced photographer looking for new ideas, Kenneth's blog, Tips for Photography, is your go-to resource for all things photography.